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Strategic Planning

During the 2021-2022 school year, Infinity Online facilitated multiple stakeholder engagement meetings to inform and guide Infinity’s reflective self-study.  The intent of the self-study was to ensure the Infinity Online program is aligned with Minnesota State Statute 124D.095, applicable portions of Minnesota State Statute 120B.11 – World’s Best Workforce, and NSQ Standards for Quality Online Programs, focused on continuous improvement, and representative of excellence in online learning. 
The self-study team included elected regional representatives from member districts that comprise the Infinity Online Executive Council.
During the first work session, self study members reviewed the purpose, process, and scope of the self-study.  Members reviewed the NSQ standards for quality online programs (Institutional, Teaching and Learning, Support, and Evaluation) to ensure members had a good understanding of the best practice categories and benchmarks utilized when analyzing our program data and processes.  The self-study members then determine what data and outcomes were needed from our member districts and developed the overall scope and them of the upcoming stakeholder meeting. 
The Infinity Online Member District Stakeholder meeting was held on February 16, 2022, attended by 30 member districts.  During the stakeholder meeting, Infinity Online director, Jo McClure, shared data collected throughout the previous 3 years including enrollment numbers, completion rates, annual student engagement data from ongoing student surveys, and member district needs analysis information. Priorities and goals identified during the last self study process were revisited.
With all of this information at hand, members spent time discussing areas of strengths as well as areas of focus.  Small group sessions were then conducted to focus on one of the four pillars identified for additional focus (Student Support, Course Opportunities, Communication, and Qualified Teaching Staff).  Each small group session reviewed the standards associated with that pillar to develop key questions for use in targeted survey groups. Relevant stakeholders were then identified to survey, including current and past students, parents of students who have taken or are currently taking online courses, online instructors, school counselors, principals, and superintendents. 

During the second self-study member work session, the committee reviewed the survey results, summary of relevant findings, and spent time discussing key strategic priorities around the four standards categories (Institutional, Teaching and Learning, Support, and Evaluation); assisting in the development of Infinity Online’s strategic focus, priorities, and goals for 2022-2025.
Program takeaways:
  • The COVID pandemic has changed the landscape of online learning and presented new challenges and opportunities for member districts, students, and the Infinity Online program.
  • Consensus remains clear that there is value in being a member of the Infinity Online collaborative.
  • Flexibility is an important factor in districts ability to meet student needs and districts appreciate Infinity Online’s ability to work with member districts to meet unique student circumstances.
  • Schools identified having trust in an established, quality program and knowing what to expect as extremely helpful when talking with parents and students about their options.
  • Communication is key and counselors appreciate the reporting structures that are in place to help students successfully achieve their academic goals.
  • Concurrent course options and unique electives continue to be important opportunities.
  • Infinity Online is regarded as a quality online program by parents, students, and districts alike.

Focus, Priorities, and Action Plan




Institutional Strengthen relationships with individual school district to foster dialogue about online program governance and opportunities for participation Develop a formal on-boarding process for new member districts to further educate districts on program goals, mission and vision 2022-2023
  Improve visibility and awareness of program
goals and progress with member districts

Host online stakeholder meeting to review and update strategic plan.
Include in yearly fall and spring newsletter information about the strategic goals and progress.
1 annual meeting in 2024-25

Fall 22, Spring 23, Fall 23, Spring 24, Fall 24, Spring 25

Teaching and Learning Improve reporting structure identifying Minnesota K-12 standards as they are applied within each course

Continue to improve the standards reporting process in Desire2Learn Brightspace for ease of use

Review standards coverage to assess whether current supplemental course offerings could meet comprehensive course requirements due to individual needs in varied districts.


  Expand concurrent and elective opportunities for students

Review what other programs are offering to compare with our course options. 

Explore CIS, Art and CTE options

2024, 2025

  Explore innovative learning initiatives.

Continue to promote synchronous/blended/hybrid options and ideas with member districts via newsletter

Fall 22,
Spring 23,
Fall 23,
Spring 24,
Fall 24,
Spring 25
Support Educate member districts on program requirements to improve overall student support.

Develop on-boarding packet for new member districts with information on student support requirements.

Encourage districts to appoint an online learning coordinator other than the counselor to support growing online student populations.


Fall 23

Fall 23

  Identify additional training or resources to help online teachers best support the IEP/504 student.

Provide a report for each instructor with relevant IEP/504 information for students in their class along with case manager contact information.

Provide a training session for instructors on how and when they can include the case manager on relevant communications.


Fall 22

Fall 22

  Improve ways to assist students in completion of required orientation seminar.

Develop an option for a synchronous orientation seminar.  Current orientation seminar is asynchronous only.  Developing a synchronous option would provide students that are struggling with the transition to a fully asynchronous environment an opportunity to ask questions and get assistance at a critical juncture in their online journey. Fall 22

Evaluation Review evaluation processes to ensure policies and procedures are reflective of current practice
Setup a small sub committee from member districts that will review and evaluate current policies and procedures.  Committee should meet at least annually and report back to the executive council.


June 2023, June 2024, June 2025
  Review current instructor recruiting process to continue to recruit high quality teaching staff.

Explore incentives such as signing, retention, and/or longevity stipends.

Explore different contract options including “sell back hours”, part time instructors, retirees.