All positions are part-time, primarily one section (20 students) / per .5 credit / per semester based courses.
All instructors are required to complete a three week online-only Best Practice seminar as well as attend a virtual session to review the learning management system teacher requirements.
Open Positions for the 24-25 School Year (one semester/one course, adjunct positions only):
Earth and Space Science Teacher
Note: If you are a teacher interested in participating in our summer professional development course in preparation for potential online teaching openings in future sessions, please contact the Infinity Online office at 800-624-4072, ext. 8001.
or Application
To apply, send resume and instructor application to
If you are interested in learning more about online teaching opportunities after a posting has closed, please contact the INFINITY Office.
**CIS Courses require Master's degree in course discipline OR Master's degree and 18 graduate credits in applicable area of study.