Funding Options
Online Learning Funding: Enrollment Type
- School year courses are free to Minnesota students and are state funded, under most circumstances.
- Summer courses are primarily tuition-based, unless student and local school district have an alternative agreement.
Contact your counselor or INFINITY for specific information.
A.) Replacing a Course Within the School Day?
- State funded for public school student: Supplemental (SU)
- When completing your registration, you would choose "SU: I am a public School student and this course work will substitute for a class period in my regular schedule.
- Non-Member Districts will be billed the current MDE ADM rate for each course enrollment: $610 per .5 credit either by Tuition Agreement OR by OLL Course Completion through MDE.
B.) Tuition Required for All Others (courses in addition to a full course load; summer courses)
- Member District students: $425 per .5 credit (semester credit); CIS courses have a $100 additional tuition fee per semester.
(Note: Member districts pay an annual fee that allows their students to qualify for a lower tuition rate, even if paying for the credit themselves.)
- Non-Member District students will be billed the current MDE ADM rate for each course enrollment: $610 per .5 credit.
- When completing your registration, you would choose "TU: This course work is being taken in addition to a full load at School and I agree to pay the tuition.