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Tech Requirements

Given the video and audio components for online courses, sufficient bandwidth is a crucial requirement for course functionality.

Factors that have a direct impact on online course performance due to bandwidth include, but are not limited to: type of course in use, internal networking infrastructure and simultaneous use and home network capacity.

The minimum bandwidth requirements are:

    School: 20Mbps (50-100 Mbps recommended) download speed, 3Mbps upload speed

    Home User: 3Mbps (5Mbps recommended) download speed, 512 kbps upload speed

A free bandwidth test is available at www.bandwidthplace.com to assess your computer’s download and upload speeds.

  • D2L recommends using Adobe Flash Player 10.1 or greater as a fall back for Video and Audio Capture for browsers and devices that cannot load or run the HTML 5 player.
  • Ensure that your browser has JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
All supported browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari - Desire2Learn Brightspace supports the latest version of these browsers.

The browser system check (https://mninfinity.desire2learn.com/d2l/systemCheck) and the corresponding “Your browser is looking a little retro” pop-up will be updated to show warnings for browser versions earlier than the following versions:

o Chrome 81 (released in April 2020)
o Chromium-based Edge 81 (released in April 2020)
o Safari 13 (released in September 2019)
o Firefox 76 (releases May 5th, 2020)