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NCAA Eligibility

To view the list of courses that have been approved, please visit the
NCAA Eligibility Center website: https://web1.ncaa.org/hsportal/exec/hsAction
Enter the high school code: 851181

Legal Disclaimer (from the NCAA Eligibility Center)
"The list of NCAA courses, and courses contained within, are maintained as a guide for prospective student-athletes seeking NCAA initial-eligibility. The list of approved courses does not, nor is intended to, signify accreditation, certification, approval or endorsement of any high school or specific courses by the NCAA or NCAA Eligibility Center and is subject to change at any time and without notice. Core course information included on this Web site is provided for guidance purposes only and should not be solely relied on as an indication of NCAA initial-eligibility. Certification of a prospective student-athlete is case-specific, and the Eligibility Center has the authority to determine in its sole discretion whether the prospective student-athlete has met all criteria."

COURSES that do not meet NCAA criteria:  Technical Writing, College Prep Math